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Intervention psychosociale

Psychosocial Intervention

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At the Heart of Our Work

At Ricochet, our psychosocial workers play an essential role in supporting people going through psychological, social or emotional challenges. Their mission is to offer personalized support and encourage individual autonomy.

A Global and Human Approach


Our psychosocial intervention team adopts a human and comprehensive approach, taking into account all aspects of the beneficiaries' lives. It creates a space of trust and listening to promote positive and lasting changes in the lives of the people it supports.


Our goals

The psychosocial intervention at Ricochet pursues several objectives:


  • Building autonomy : Helping beneficiaries develop their own resources and solve their problems independently.


  • Promoting well-being : Improving the mental and emotional health of individuals for overall well-being.


  • Preventing isolation : Supporting people to avoid disruptions in their journey and prevent social exclusion.


  • Promoting social integration : Helping each person find their place in society, particularly through employment, housing and social relations.


Personalized support

Each person welcomed at Ricochet is unique. Our workers therefore adapt to the specific needs of each individual. Using techniques recognized in psychology and social work, they offer support adapted to each path and situation.

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A Dedicated Team


With a team of 40 psychosocial workers, Ricochet is ready to meet the needs of people in difficulty. Each of our workers brings specialized skills and valuable experience to offer quality support, contributing to the progress and well-being of our beneficiaries.

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Ricochet (Hébergement/Homes) is a non-profit organization and a charitable organization. Quebec Enterprise Number (NEQ): 1173040800. Charitable identification number: 756369310 RR0001. For privacy requests, please click here. 2024 All rights reserved - Ricochet (Hébergement/Homes).

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